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Hidden benefits of a mortgage calculator

If you're in the market for a house, you've probably used a mortgage calculator to determine your projected monthly payments. But homeowners and buyers can get a lot of additional information out of calculators, if they know how to use them.
If you choose to pay off your loan early, it makes sense to crunch the numbers before you plunk down the extra money. By using the "extra payments" function on your mortgage calculator, you can figure out how much money you'll save by shortening the life of the loan.
To figure out your savings, enter a hypothetical amount into one of the payment categories -- monthly, yearly or one-time. Then, click "Show/Recalculate Amortization Table" to see how much interest you'll pay over the new life of the loan.

Test the ARM

An ARM can mean lower monthly loan payments, but there's a risk if interest rates rise down the road. To measure your tolerance for that risk -- and your ability to make payments in the worst-case scenario -- you'll need to consult your mortgage calculator for the hard data.To gauge the risk, enter the ARM interest rate, leaving the term as 30 years. Then, compare those payments with what you'd get for a conventional 30-year fixed loan.
If you put less than 20 percent down on your loan, you likely had to buy private mortgage insurance. But once you pass the 20 percent threshold, you can ask your lender to remove that fee from your monthly payments.
How do you know when you've reached 20 percent equity? Plug the original loan amount into the mortgage calculator along with your closing date. Then click "Show/Recalculate Amortization Table," multiply your original mortgage amount by 0.8 and match the result to the closest number on the far-right column of the amortization table. This will show you when you'll reach 20 percent equity.


Online financial calculators aid homebuyer

Everyone wants to own their own place, but purchasing a home comes with a wealth of financial questions, the answers of which will impact the rest of your financial life. For homeowners having trouble sorting through questions and the data, an online financial calculator can help. Here are a few Web-based tools to help make your biggest financial decision a little easier.

How much can I afford?

When it comes to purchasing a home, the amount you can reasonably afford is the million-dollar question, even if your budget is considerably smaller than that. While financial circumstances differ from household to household, the maximum mortgage a family can take on boils down to the combined annual salaries versus household debts and the cost of a new home. Bankrate's maximum mortgage calculator can simplify the math for you. Taking everything from annual bonuses to alimony and child support into consideration, this online financial calculator provides a solid estimate of how much mortgage debt a household can sustain. Once families know how much debt they can handle, they can start the hunt for their perfectly priced dream home.

Rent or buy?

Knowing how much mortgage you can afford doesn't necessarily answer the question of whether it's smarter to rent or buy. Before purchasing a home, future homeowners must consider several factors. These include how long they plan to stay in the new home, whether the home's value will go up with time and how much they can afford as a down payment. Before signing on the dotted line, the rent or buy online financial calculator can help you figure out whether to make the leap into homeownership.

How much will it cost?

Many homebuyers only think about paying the loan principal plus interest. Few remember they'll also have to pay taxes, origination fees and home insurance. To help figure out total expenses, let an online financial calculator come to your rescue. To total up your monthly payment, the mortgage loan calculator takes these factors into consideration for fixed-rate mortgages.


Mortgage payment calculator has many uses

A mortgage payment calculator may seem quite simple. And, indeed, a basic calculator is easy to use. Just enter the loan amount, interest rate and term -- and voila, this online tool can figure out the associated monthly mortgage payment. That's helpful information for anyone who is shopping for a loan to purchase a house or refinance an existing mortgage.

More payment calculator variables

Beyond that, mortgage payment calculators can become complicated, but also offer borrowers more information.For example, a calculator might offer a way to add property tax and homeowners insurance expenses or mortgage insurance premiums to the monthly payment. Or, it might allow you to figure out the effect of making a larger payment every month, making an extra payment once a year or making a lump-sum payment.
Other functions can help borrowers understand adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, payments, biweekly payments or blended-rate or interest-only payments. Some calculators offer a built-in amortization schedule that shows all of the payments, divided by principal and interest, until the loan is paid off.
Mortgage payment calculators can also help borrowers figure out whether they might be able to get rid of mortgage insurance or weigh whether an ARM would be worth the risk compared to a fixed-rate loan. To understand the added risk of an ARM, use the calculator to compare the initial, fully amortized and highest possible payments to the payment on a comparable fixed-rate loan.

Types of mortgage calculators

Other types of mortgage calculators also can be helpful. Examples include calculators for: rates and points, a 15-year or 30-year term, a balloon payment, an annual percentage rate, a maximum loan amount and whether to refinance, among others.It's important to remember that any type of mortgage calculator is only as good as the data entered into its fields. Only when the right loan amount, interest rate, term and other information are entered can the calculator return accurate results.


How to use home loan calculators

If you're in the market for a new or refinanced home loan, you've probably encountered a number of mortgage calculators that ask for inputs and return results. These calculators can be helpful in your search for a loan, if you know how to use them and understand what they do.
Here's a quick snapshot of three calculators.

Mortgage loan payment calculator

A simple mortgage loan payment calculator uses three inputs:
  • Loan amount.
  • Interest rate.
  • Term.
The result is the monthly payment on a home loan of that amount with that term and interest rate.
This type of calculator may also offer other variables, such as an option to include the property tax and homeowner insurance in the monthly payment.
It's important to know that mortgage payment calculators typically assume a fixed interest rate. If the rate is variable, the payment could change.

Maximum loan amount calculator

A typical maximum loan amount calculator uses the borrower's income and debt obligations to calculate a maximum housing expense on a monthly basis. That figure is then used, along with an interest rate and term, to calculate a maximum loan amount for that borrower.It's important to remember that this type of calculator relies on ratios that might not apply to every borrower's situation. It also uses inputs for income and debts that lenders might not all count the same way.
Borrowers shouldn't automatically or necessarily get a home loan for the maximum amount they potentially can qualify to borrow.

Refinance savings calculator

A basic refinance savings calculator helps borrowers figure out how much they would save if they refinanced their mortgage.Typical inputs are:
  • Monthly payment, loan balance, interest rate and remaining term on the existing home loan.
  • Interest rate and term on the new loan.
  • Costs associated with refinancing.
The result will show the savings on the new monthly payment compared with the current payment.
This approach focuses only on the payment savings, not the total interest expense, which should be another consideration of whether to refinance an existing loan.


3 types of a mortgage calculator

While most consumers have probably used a basic mortgage calculator before, few are aware this powerful tool comes in multiple variations designed to answer specific questions. Here's what you need to know.

Should I make extra payments?

If you have the extra money, you may be tempted to increase your monthly home loan payments. But to determine whether that strategy makes good financial sense, you'll want to use the basic mortgage calculator. Simply enter the time remaining on the loan, the interest rate, and the length and amount of the mortgage to determine how many years those extra payments will shave off your repayment plan.

Should I use my home loan to pay of debt?

If you're thinking about using a home loan to pay off debt, it's a good idea to consult the debt consolidation mortgage calculator that's focused on paying off debt. You'll need to enter your credit card balances -- and any additional debt you want to consolidate -- as well as the outstanding amount on your current home loan. From there, you'll need to run several calculations, adjusting the loan amount term and rate to find a plan that fits your budget.

How much income do you need?

Knowing your income isn't the same as knowing how much income you need to qualify for a loan. To answer that question, use a mortgage calculator found at one of the links above. To run the calculations, you'll need to know the desired loan amount as well as your monthly liabilities and current housing costs.


Use an amortization schedule calculator

Where does all of the money go when you pay your mortgage each month? A portion of your payment goes toward principal and some is applied to interest. You can use an amortization schedule calculator to learn exactly how your lender divvies up these amounts.
To use Bankrate's amortization schedule calculator, you will need the following information:
  • Mortgage amount
  • Mortgage term
  • Interest rate
  • Start date
After you plug this information into the calculator, it will provide a schedule that shows how your payments are applied. The schedule will contain the following information:
  • Month/Year
  • Payment
  • Principal Paid
  • Interest Paid
  • Total Interest
  • Balance
You will notice that although your mortgage payment will remain the same each month, your principal paid will increase and the interest paid will decrease each month.
Homeowners are entitled to make extra payments on their mortgages. These payments can be made one time, annually or even monthly if they choose. An amortization schedule calculator can also enable you to see how making extra mortgage payments can affect your loan.

Why might you make extra payments?

Making additional mortgage payments won't reduce your monthly payment. However, all of the extra money that you'll be paying will go directly toward your principal. This means that you'll be paying less total interest and reducing the life of your loan.
Shelling out less money in interest and being mortgage-free sooner than you intended can be quite appealing. However, prepayment is not always the best course of action for everyone. Even though making extra payments can cut your interest costs and shorten your loan, some experts recommend avoiding prepayment unless you have additional savings. The extra money you pay on your mortgage won't earn you any interest, nor will it be readily available in the event of an emergency.


Use a home loan calculator to avoid errors

Home values have fallen by 30 percent, 40 percent or more in many parts of the country. Such low prices may be tempting you to take the plunge and buy a new home. But is that a wise choice for you? A home loan calculator can help you find out.
It's important to know exactly what you're getting yourself into before you make an offer on a new house, townhouse or condo. A home loan calculator, also called a mortgage calculator, can help you determine your monthly mortgage payments in advance, so you don't become "house poor," or worse -- run the risk of foreclosure.
When you plug some basic information, such as the mortgage amount, mortgage term, interest rate and mortgage start date, into a home loan calculator, you will get an estimate of how much a particular home will cost each month. In turn, you will be able to determine whether or not you can afford the monthly payments. A home loan calculator even allows you to see how adding extra payments can affect your loan.
A house is likely one of the biggest investments you will ever make. In addition to using a home loan calculator to make sure you aren't overextending yourself on your mortgage, make sure you have enough money set aside for your:
  • Down payment
  • Closing costs
  • Maintenance fees
  • Repair costs
  • Association fees
  • Property taxes
You should also consider factors such as how long you plan to live in the home and the home's prospect for appreciation. If you don't plan to stick around for a while, you might be better off renting. It can take several years before you recoup your initial investment and net a profit from the sale of your home.


How to comparison shop for your new home

Buying a home is a massive financial commitment, so it's imperative that borrowers conduct a good search before settling on a mortgage -- and a particular house.
But what's the best way to get good information for a mortgage rate comparison and property comparisons? Start by using these tools:

Good faith estimate,

The Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, issued the first industry-standard good faith estimate, or GFE, in January 2010. The standardized document makes it easier to shop different lenders as each lender is required to detail the same information on the same work sheet.
Here are a few tips for using GFEs to compare loans. Try to collect GFEs from different lenders on the same day, or around the time, if possible. Make sure you're comparing apples to apples -- e.g., a 30-year mortgage with another 30-year mortgage. Be sure to give lenders accurate information about your income and expenses so the GFEs you get back honestly reflect what you can expect to pay in loan costs. And use the shopping chart on the third page of the GFE -- it allows you to compare different loans by amount, loan term, interest rate and more.

Loan comparison calculator

This loan comparison calculator will let you further compare rates, monthly payments and other fees for up to three different loans. Comparing the variables side by side may help you discern which loan is the best deal.

The Web

Along with your mortgage rate comparison, you may also be looking for easy ways to compare properties and home values in different neighborhoods. Several real estate websites deliver the goods.'s "Compare it!" feature allows you to compare up to five properties by size, price and other variables. and offer data on homes as well as mobile applications, making it easy to conduct on-the-go searches.

Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population

The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses would sank one of the most prosperous economies in 2008. teleSUR

When You're a Mortgage Payment Behind - an FHA Loan Can be One Solution

When You're a Mortgage Payment Behind - an FHA Loan Can be One Solution
By Katie-Anne Gustafson
If you have an FHA loan, your mortgage insurance may be an option for bringing payments current. Contact your lender to learn if you are eligible for a payment from this fund. You will need to learn about the prevailing requirements in your state. It is also very important that you are able to resume regular, timely payments once your mortgage payment has been brought current. It can be very worrisome when you’re a mortgage payment behind. If you don’t have an FHA loan you still have options available to help you navigate this financial crisis.
Speak to the Mortgage Provider
Make a meeting to speak to someone in control of your mortgage account. Don’t discuss it over the telephone. They are more likely to be sympathetic to your situation if you are dealing with them face to face. Explain the circumstances of how you became one payment behind with your mortgage. Go prepared, taking with you written details of your income and regular outgoing payments. Tell them how much extra you can afford to pay and ask if it is possible to add an extra amount to your current mortgage payment until the arrears is caught up. Your mortgage provider shouldn’t really want to be taking the roof from over your head for one missed payment, and so ought to be willing to come to some agreement with you as a one off arrangement.
Credit Card
Is it possible – and necessary – to make this payment via a credit card? Think carefully about doing this. It may get you out of immediate danger with your mortgage provider, but at what cost long-term with the added interest rates? The last thing you want to do is create a bigger financial mess. If you have little credit, and the repayment would not make you much worse off whilst you pay back the amount, then this is something you might like to consider in order to protect your home.
Refinance Your Home
This may seem a little drastic for only being one payment behind with your mortgage, but if you have equity in your property, refinancing your home may help your household finances by offering you the opportunity to consolidate your debts as well as making the arrears disappear. This is one way to use your collateral to help you get out of debt, but it’s one you need to explore carefully before signing any papers.
For example, by refinancing your home, are you taking any risks with respect to ownership of your property? Are there any extra clauses on the proposed new contract that don’t exist on the original one? What are the implications as regards to interest rates? It could be that this actually works in your favor, and your new mortgage will be subject to a lower interest rate than your existing one. is an informational source to look at should you require more tips on refinancing.
You also need to know what additional charges you will incur by refinancing your home. For example, what legal fees will be required, and are you liable for them? What about the valuation fee for getting someone out to value your property? This is an important thing to consider because you may find that your property doesn’t have enough equity to make refinancing it worthwhile in the current economy, but you will still need to pay the valuation fee, which will weaken your current cash flow further.
When refinancing your home make sure you shop around and find out what deals the different mortgage providers are offering. There are many who will offer good deals to first time buyers, but they offset this by having higher rates for refinancers. On the other hand, there are mortgage providers who will advertise themselves as the people who can show you how to get out of debt by refinancing your home, and will give special deals that reduce interest rates on the first year or so you are repaying the new mortgage. Yet other providers may offer you a free package to transfer your mortgage to their company – this could include the valuation and any legal fees – you will need to explore exactly what this includes and whether there is any cost hidden that’s not included in their package. Then you’d need to see if that package is worth more than the money you’d save by using a mortgage provider who gives you a lower rate on your mortgage interest for a limited period – and the ones offering reduced mortgage interest, you need to find out what will happen when the rates are raised at the end of the “honeymoon” period, are they raised to a higher than normal rate to compensate for the financial break you had at the outset? Always keep in mind why it is you’re actually refinancing your home, debt elimination and consolidation, and even though you will end up with a better financial picture now, you need to make sure that this remains so until the mortgage is repaid.
Another thing you need to enquire about when first approaching any mortgage provider about refinancing is whether or not they will accept your current credit standing. If you have any outstanding debt with your current mortgage provider, this may go against you as the companies you are now approaching will more than likely request a reference from them. If you have been always on time with your payments prior to this current situation arising, then it’s possible that they might bend their rules because of the circumstances under which the arrears occurred. However, if you have had problems in the past, it will go against you and might result in them turning down your request to refinance with their company. Any other debt problems you have currently, or in the past, could also score against you so make sure you are completely honest at the initial meeting as this could save a lot of time in the long run.
Other Options
With only one mortgage payment in arrears you should be able to manage to get financially stable on one of the above options. However, if your situation requires more additional finances, and you need to free up more capital, it could be that you need to consider selling your home and either buying one that won’t have such a high mortgage, or renting one. For a person who currently owns their home, renting never seems an attractive prospect, but there are places where you can rent to own the property. This may be an alternative to renting which you could consider.
The most important thing to do is to sort this out immediately you realize there’s a problem. Your home is something you need to protect, and any arrears on the mortgage can have devastating consequences unless you are proactive in resolving it. Take stock of your financial situation, consider your options, and then take the one that will help you get back on your feet again.
About The Author
Katie-Anne Gustafson is a contributor to and a WAHM obsessed with her two preschool boys and illustrator husband Mikael. In addition to mortgages, her passions in writing are family, travel and history. You can access relevant information on mortgages by visiting and [ and]. Note to webmasters: Above hyperlinks must be kept intact when this article is published in another website.
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Remortgages with Bad Credit

In recent years, more lenders are increasingly offering Bad Credit Remortgages. A UK remortgage with bad credit is when mortgage holders pay off their current mortgage using a new mortgage. The lender uses the same property as security. The term “bad credit”, is a credit rating that describes a person as having poor credit status. Those who have filed for bankruptcy, failed to repay past loans, and have received court judgments for unpaid debts, are categorized as people with a bad credit history. A FICO score of 580 and below is considered to be a bad score.


With increased remortgage availability, there has been an increase in lender competition. This means that interest rates have decreased significantly. If you have bad credit, there are a number of benefits to taking out a remortgage. By switching to a discount or fixed rate remortgage, you save a substantial amount of money. By consolidating debt, you can pay off credit cards, loans etc. You could also obtain the necessary cash for projects such as home renovation or buying a new car. There are also a full range of fixed, capped, discount, tracker, and flexible bad credit remortgages deals out there.


It is very important to consider the repercussions of taking out a bad credit remortgage. If you are unable to keep up with the mortgage repayments, your home may be at risk for repossession. By adding further debt to your mortgage, you will increase the overall cost, as well as the length of the repayment term. You should also be aware of the extra costs involved with a home remortgage. It is important to evaluate costs such as a property valuation on your home, legal costs, administration fees, and compare it to the overall costs if you chose not to remortgage. It is also essential to understand that rescheduling your debts over a longer period, and making a smaller monthly payment, will mean that you will repay more interest and therefore more money. You should also remember that you will be switching unsecured debt into borrowings that are secured. Bad credit remortgages are more expensive than mainstream mortgages and will remain so. The disadvantage is that you may have to pay a slightly higher interest rate than you would with a regular mortgage. As well, you can only get a bad credit mortgage through a mortgage broker.


Although your credit status is probably the most significant factor determining what kind of mortgage rate is available to you, many lenders are now taking a more flexible position on who they lend to. If you have a bad credit history, and you are looking to get a better deal, getting good financial advice can really help. Seek a bad credit advisor’s advice, and most importantly, make sure you can handle more debts secured against your home. If you do not keep up with your mortgage repayments, your house could be repossessed.

Is an Interest only mortgage for me?

Before we look at the positive and negative aspects of this type of mortgage we need to know how they work.
As the name suggests with an Interest only mortgage you only pay the interest on the loan, and pay nothing off the capital amount. With a normal repayment mortgage your mortgage payment is split into two parts. First you pay the interest on the mortgage and secondly you pay off some of the capital amount on the mortgage. At the end of a repayment mortgage you owe nothing and the property is yours.
On the other hand with an Interest only mortgage you never pay anything of the capital amount so for example if you borrowed £100,000 over 20 years and stayed with this type of mortgage at the end of the term you would still owe £100,000.
So why do people opt for interest only mortgages you may ask.
Probably the main reason is their affordability, if you choose an interest only mortgage your monthly payments will be considerably less, which can be attractive to first time buyers or those who are stretching their finances to buy a larger property which they can only afford on an interest only mortgage.
Short term this type of mortgage can provide a way for many to get on the housing ladder and a few years down the line when their income has gone up they can switch to a normal repayment mortgage. However it should be noted that the longer you leave it the larger your monthly payments will be.

Factors of Personal Loans

Posted on 28 May, 2007
A personal loan, or unsecured loan, is a loan that is secured against a borrower’s personal credit rating, not against any personal property. Institutions providing personal loans include high street banks, building societies, online banks, supermarkets, as well as borrowing and lending exchanges.

Personal Loan Factors

When considering taking out a personal loan, there are a number of factors to consider before you apply.
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) - The interest rate applied to a loan is called the Annual Percentage Rate (APR). When arranging a loan, it is important to compare the APRs of different loan products to determine how competitive they are. Loan APRs will usually depend on your credit rating. It will also determine your interest rate. Lenders will quote interest rates in various ways so it is important to be aware of their calculation methods.
Interest - When you borrow money, the lender makes its profit from the interest charged. There is a wide variation in available interest rates. Your interest will be calculated on the same basis as your current mortgage. If your mortgage is flexible, your secured loan should also be flexible. Subject to the lender’s terms and conditions, you may be able to overpay and underpay. If offered as a monthly interest rate, check the annual rate equivalent. It will allow you to compare with other lenders. Interest will accumulate on an outstanding balance which will increase monthly payments; therefore your debt will still be repaid over the agreed term.
Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) - This covers your loan repayments if you cannot work due to an accident, sickness or unemployment. Because future situations are often unknown, a PPI is a good choice when applying for a UK secured loan. Make sure that the insurance being offered meets your financial needs. Many lenders will have policies stating that you cannot make a claim for up to 60 days after losing your job or getting sick.

Borrowing Amount

Most people pay off their loan anywhere from one to five years. As a general rule, the more you borrow, the cheaper the rates of interest. For large sums, many people will choose a personal loan. It is important to read any fine print clause which may contain stipulations that do not meet your needs. For instance, if you are self-employed, or on short term working contracts, you may find that the terms and conditions of the loan are not appropriate for your situation.


Banks, building societies, and other lending institutions aggressively compete for your business. Just because a lender says it has a special offer, it does not mean it is the best offer. Shop around as extensively as possible. Budget for the amount borrowed and balance it against how much you can afford to repay every month. A personal loan is usually agreed to be repaid over a set period with scheduled monthly repayments. You have to prepare for the extra monthly expense.

Federal Housing Authority and the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage

About FHA home equity conversion mortgage programs for senior homeowners.
The FHA home equity conversion mortgage, otherwise known as the FHA HECM loan is the most popular reverse mortgage program. The government designed it to help keep seniors secure and in their homes as they enjoy the rest of their lives. A HECM loan is a special type of home loan that enables home owners to convert a portion of their equity into cash. The equity built up over years of home mortgage payments and appreciation can be paid to you. Unlike a traditional home equity loan or second mortgage, no repayment is required as long as your live in your home. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development reverse mortgage provides these benefits, and the Federal Housing Authority's HECM loan is federally insured.

A Reverse Mortgage HECM Loan or FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage is working for more and more senior home owners each and every day.
The income received through a reverse mortgage can be used for whatever you want! You are not restricted in how to use the funds. Examples of potential uses for funds received through a reverse mortgage include:
  • Purchase long-term care insurance
  • Cover medical expenses and prescription drugs
  • Supplement retirement income
  • Make home repairs or improvements
  • Investments
  • Pay for in-home care
  • Pay property taxes

You could qualify for a Reverse Mortgage or the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage
The eligibility requirements are easy. There is no income, employment or credit qualifying restrictions.
  • All homeowners must be age 62 or older and occupy the property as their principal residence.
  • The home must be owned free and clear or having a remaining mortgage balance which can be paid off by a reverse mortgage.
  • The home must meet HUD minimum property standards. Sometimes, home repairs can be made after the closing of a reverse mortgage.
  • The property must be a single-family home or a two to four unit dwelling.
  • Town-homes, detached homes, condominium unit, planned unit developments (PUDs) and some manufactured homes are eligible.

The amount you can receive is based on a few factors.
The maximum amount that can be borrowed is based on the following factors:
  • The age of the youngest homeowner.
  • The appraised home value.
  • The county of residence.
  • The current interest rate.
In general, the better your home is valued at, the elderly you are, and the lower the interest rate, the more money you’ll be able to borrow.

This is how you get paid money
  • Lump Sum – Cash is immediately available
  • Tenure – Equal monthly payments as long as at least one homeowner lives and continues to occupy the property as a principal residence.
  • Term – Equal monthly payments for a fixed period of months selected.
  • Line of Credit – A credit line which the customer can draw upon as he or she wishes.
  • Combination – Any combination of the above plans.

The Costs of HECM loans
Just like a typical mortgage loan, reverse mortgage costs include appraisal, credit report, title insurance, legal fees, loan origination, and recording fees. These normal loan costs can be included in your loan balance.

You may have an existing loan on your property.
The existing loan must be paid off prior to or at the settlement of the reverse mortgage. Often the reverse mortgage is used to refinance an existing loan.

Interest is charged in a way you can live with.
The interest rate on a reverse mortgage adjusts and is tied to readily available U.S. Treasury Bill indexes plus a margin. You are not charged any interest on money that have been approved but not yet withdrawn.

If your property is in a living trust.
If you are the primary trustee and are qualified by age, then yes.

If your children own the property in joint tenancy with you.
If the children are age 62 or older and live in the property. Other than that, they would need to be taken off title prior to settlement.

The HECM gives you tax free income.
The cash advances are tax-free. These advances are loan distributions and are not considered income.

If your spouse is permanently in a nursing home, you can still participate in a reverse mortgage.
Yes, only one owner must occupy the property as a principal residence.

It’s your money.You can spend it as you please.

The lender can not take my home away if you outlive the loan.
You do not need to repay the loan as long as you or one of the borrowers continues to live in the house and keeps the taxes and insurance current. You can never owe more than your home’s value.

Manufactured homes
Yes, mobile homes built after June 1976 and have a permanent foundation that is approved by Federal Housing Administration with a certified engineer’s approval stamp.

Your estate goes to your heirs.
Your heirs will be able to choose whether to keep the house or sell it. They keep proceeds from the sale of the house, after the loan is payed off.

Mortgages UK

Our Commitment To Getting You The Best Deal

With 1000’s of different mortgages on offer, it is important that home-buyers obtain as much specialist mortgage information as possible. Many Mortgage Companies will claim to be fully independent, while in fact they operate a restricted panel or are affiliated with a mortgage lender.
Any Mortgage Broker we introduce you to will offer a “whole of market” service. This means they can access and review a large panel of main stream and independent lenders. All mortgage information is provided to you on a non-advised basis, meaning a selection of the best deals that suit your circumstances are offered. You then choose which one is right for you.

We Are Well Connected
Once you have completed the application form you will be advised the names of a selected range of mortgage experts to whom your form will be sent. If you are happy to continue then just click on the submit button. On allocation of your enquiry you will be advised of the firm who will be in touch. Your allocated mortgage expert will contact you but if you wish to make earlier contact then you are free to do so using the contact details provided.

No upfront fees are charged.
There will be a fee for mortgage information provided if you decide to continue with the application process. The precise amount will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate that it will be £908 but may range from £750 to £2,995. The fee is not charged until the mortgage has completed.

Our Unique Mortgage Process.
Following the completion of our simple mortgage enquiry form, your enquiry will be electronically allocated to a Mortgage Broker. It is important to us at that you are happy with the service offered to you, and we would hope that you will return to use our service and refer friends and family to our web sites in the future.
On allocation of your enquiry to a mortgage expert, you will be sent an introductory e-mail, which will introduce your adviser, and provide you with their contact details. Your allocated mortgage expert will work for you. Please do not hesitate to contact then at any time!

It is important that you work with your mortgage expert to ensure that he or she is aware of your needs and circumstances, and can find the most appropriate mortgage deal available to you on the UK market. Once your adviser has obtained sufficient information about your needs and circumstances, they will be able to source the market for you, and identify a shortlist of the most appropriate deals for you to choose from.

Once you have made a choice they will send the Key Facts Illustration to you. The key features of the selected mortgage product will be explained to you and any questions you may have will be answered in plain English.
Clients have told us that they like to remain in control (and not feel pressured) and that their preferred methods of contact are both phone and e-mail. We will work with you on this and send a representative to your home or work place to collect documentation at a time that suits you.
If you would like further information about our service, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The Principal Facts of an Interest-Only Mortgage

The Principal Facts of an Interest-Only Mortgage
By Tanu Javeri
You are buying the house of your dreams with an interest-only mortgage. You'll get a low mortgage payment, and you'll maximize your tax deduction, all on your current income! Everything seems to be going good. But have you really understood the concept of interest-only mortgage and how it functions.
So What Is An Interest-Only Mortgage?
Well it may break your bubble but there is no such thing as an interest-only mortgage - because eventually you'll have to pay the loan principal as well. In other words, with an interest-only mortgage loan, you pay only the interest on the mortgage in monthly payments for a fixed term. After the end of that term, usually five to seven years, you pay the balance in a lump sum, or start paying off the principal. Net Net! What you're really getting is an interest-only payment method which can be combined with any type of traditional mortgage.
For What Types Of Borrowers Are Interest-Only Mortgages Suitable?
An Interest only mortgage can be an excellent choice for some borrowers, who have a valid use for a lower initial required payment. For most homeowners, paying down mortgage debt is the most effective way to build wealth. Nonetheless, some may build wealth more rapidly by investing excess cash flow rather than paying down their mortgage. Of course for this to hold true, their return on investment must exceed the mortgage interest rate.
The interest only product was originally designed for individuals whose income is cyclical. Borrowers with fluctuating incomes may value the flexibility the IO mortgage gives them. When their finances are tight, they can make the IO payment, and when they are flush they can make a substantial payment to principal.
Financial advisers don't recommend interest-only residential mortgage to regular wage earners who take out moderate-size residential mortgage loans and don't have a strategy for investing the savings.
An interest-only mortgage might be a good fit for:
  • someone whose income is mostly in the form of infrequent commissions or bonuses;
  • someone who expects to earn a lot more in a few years;
  • someone who truly will invest the savings on the difference between an interest-only mortgage and an amortizing mortgage, and who is confident that the investments will make money.
Again, an interest only mortgage is not the right choice for everyone, but it can be a very effective choice for some individuals.
The Deception You should Watch Out For
By remembering one critical fact the borrowers can save themselves against most deceptions. If two mortgages are identical except that only one has an interest-only option, lenders view that one as riskier. The reason is that, after any period has elapsed, the loan with the IO option will have a larger balance.
Deception 1:
An interest-only loan carries a lower interest rate. Lenders usually charge a higher rate for an identical loan with an interest-only option. Most interest-only loans are adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), and ARMs have lower rates than fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs). ARMs with the IO option have lower rates than FRMs because they are ARMs, not because they are IO.
Deception 2:
An interest-only loan allows the borrower to avoid paying for mortgage insurance. Any IO loans with down payments less than 20% that don't carry mortgage insurance from a mortgage insurance company are being insured by the lender. The borrower is paying the premium in the interest rate rather than as an insurance premium.
Pitfalls of Interest-Only Mortgages - Risks a borrower should take into consideration
Interest-only payment options began to be offered to the masses not as a way to leverage their money, but rather as a way to borrow more money while not increasing the monthly payment. In turn they are using this method to be the high bidder, or to buy a somewhat larger home. Borrowers employing this method aren't "cash-flow" or "income-leveraging" borrowers. What they're doing is buying more debt.
One always has to remember that with increased leverage comes increased risk. And if you are a sophisticated investor, you should take into that as a borrowers who "debt leverage" into a more expensive home, with a larger mortgage, you are expecting that your income and the home both will appreciate. That may not be a big gamble when homes are appreciating, but it could certainly play differently in a down real estate market.
There is a danger in not reducing the balance. If prices should fail to increase during the interest-only period, and if you should find a need to sell the home, you could potentially be on the hook for thousands of dollars in sales costs which would need to be paid out of whatever equity (in the form of the down payment) you started out with.
Let's look at the more extreme side, prices actually decline during the mortgage holding period. If you finds yourselves in that situation, coupled with a low down payment, you could easily going "underwater" -- a descriptive term that means you are selling the property for less than the remaining balance of the mortgage.
Not only is house selling for less, the borrowers - that is you - would be required to somehow coming up with rest of the money to fulfill the mortgage balance as well as any sales charges (commissions, inspections, etc).
Interest Rate Risk
Unfortunately, most of the interest-only loans being made today feature only short fixed interest periods, if any; some features adjustable rates which can change each month. Thought the rates are low today, these low rates will inevitably rise.
The Final Analysis
Interest-only payments do have a place in the world, at least with the practical users. There are borrowers who can utilize a mortgage with interest-only payments to their fullest. However, it would require careful financial planning on behalf of the borrower to avoid going underwater.
Don't rule out interest-only mortgages. Consider its pro and cons to your particular situation and the lender you would be working with. On the hind side also remember to question yourself that interest-only payments may be working for friends or family but does it work for you?
About The Author
Tanu Javeri, a stay-at-home mother, is a freelance writer with many years of experience and a contributor to web site. She has written articles addressing a range of subjects from finance to international travel to beauty & health care. She was formerly a business journalist and a Senior Research Executive at AC Nielsen. She has gained knowledge on international markets by the exposure she got from residing in India, Africa and USA. Substantial information on residential mortgages and related topics is available at and Note to webmasters: Above hyperlinks must be kept intact when this article is published in another website.
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Capital and Repayment Mortgages

Capital and Repayment Mortgages
By Jame Smith
What Is Capital and Repayment Mortgage?
"Repayment mortgage (also called a capital-and interest loan)
Your monthly payments gradually pay off the amount you owe as well as paying the interest charged on the loan. Provided you make all the agreed payments, the loan will be fully paid off by the end of the mortgage term."
- Consumer Information, FSA, June 2006
Repayment mortgage and capital mortgage (or capital loan) are the exact same thing, made more confusing by the fact that this type of mortgage is known by more than one name. But don't let that confuse you! Capital and repayment mortgage is, in fact, the same thing.
How Do I Know Capital, or Repayment, Mortgage Is Right For Me?
Repayment/Capital mortgage is great for those who want to get their entire mortgage, capital and interest, paid off by the end of their mortgage term. Once the term is up on this type of mortgage, you're done and fully paid off. Many mortgage policies focus on the interest that you owe. Capital and repayment mortgages are popular because they allow homeowners to pay off everything that they owe.
The bank or company that you work with to determine your mortgage policy and payments can give you all sorts of options. Make sure to ask what the interest rate and payment structure on a Capital or repayment mortgage would be. The numbers will help you decide what's right for you. After all, the right mortgage is the one that you can afford.
Do Capital and Repayment Mortgages Cost More Than Other Types of Mortgages?
"You usually pay off mostly interest in the early years and then gradually more of the capital debt. It may seem as if this is costing more but that's because unlike the other types of mortgages you're paying off the capital and not just the interest."
- Repayment Mortgages, Mortgage Sorter web site, June 2006
While capital and repayment mortgages do not necessarily cost more than other types of mortgages, you may feel that you are paying out for a longer period of time with a capital and repayment mortgage. This is not true, however. Capital and repayment mortgages just allow you to pay off your entire mortgage in one complete payment cycle. And once you're done, you're done. That's the beauty of a capital and repayment mortgage, one of the most popular types of mortgages used by homeowners.
I Still Don't Know What Kind of Mortgage I Need. What Should I Do?
If you know that you want to finance or re-finance your home or property, it's an easy decision to take out a mortgage policy. The only problem is, what kind of mortgage will suit your needs best? With so many options out there, and so much information about different types of mortgages available, it can make your head swim. When you've never had a mortgage before and don't know that much about mortgages in general, how do you decide what's best for you?
The only way to know what type of mortgage will fit your needs is to run the numbers. Have your bank, financial advisor, or the company that you're re-financing with gives you examples of payment plans for many types of mortgages, and be sure to get your questions answered about each policy. You will think up many different questions, some of which can only be answered by those you're working with to establish your mortgage. You'll know what's right for you when you see the plan in black and white, because you're the only one who truly understands what your financial situation is.
James has been writing about capital and repayment mortgages for many years and offers information on the different types of mortgages available from the web site
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Mortgage Insurance Leads

Mortgage Insurance Leads
By Jennifer Bailey
Mortgage insurance is coverage to the mortgage lender in case of the potential default of payments by the borrower. It is an insurance policy like any other, and requires premiums to the paid. Premiums are generally passed on by the mortgage lender to the buyers of the mortgage. Mortgage buyers may wish to pay the premiums either on a monthly basis, or as a lump sum amount at the end of the year or closing period. Since mortgage insurance premiums have to be paid by the borrowers of mortgages, mortgage insurance companies target their advertisements to the borrowers.
Mortgage insurance companies are on the lookout for leads of potential mortgage insurance policy buyers. These are people who have taken mortgages from a financial institution. A person making at least 20% of the down payment is not required to buy mortgage insurance, but it is obligatory for the others. Hence, mortgage leads are invited from those mortgage buyers who have paid less than 20% of the down payment.
Telemarketing is the most viable option for garnering mortgage insurance leads. Call-center employees may cold-call various mortgage companies, who wish to pass on mortgage insurance to their buyers. Companies interested in buying mortgage insurance for their borrowers constitute leads, which are forwarded to the insurance company. Call centers may also cold-call the mortgage borrowers themselves. Once the mortgage insurance company gets hold of a potential lead, it follows up and tries to close the insurance policy on the mortgage borrower.
There are not many mortgage insurance websites that generate leads. The few mortgage lead generation websites that exist have mortgage borrowers fill in online forms and pre-qualify them for mortgage insurance policies. Pre-qualified leads are passed on to the mortgage insurance company. Since the leads are already pre-qualified, it saves both time and money for the insurance company.
The reason for the lower number of lead generation companies existing in the mortgage insurance field is that most of the mortgage insurance companies are tied up or affiliated with leading mortgage providers. Hence, when a mortgage is sold, the insurance policy is bundled along with the mortgage. This is known as capitalization of the mortgage, and is the norm employed by most companies.
However, mortgage insurance companies still try to improve their businesses by getting more leads. They may be willing to pay upwards of $35 for a good lead.
Mortgage Insurance provides detailed information on Mortgage Insurance, Mortgage Insurance Calculators, Mortgage Insurance Leads, Mortgage Insurance Rates and more. Mortgage Insurance is affiliated with Mortgage Life Insurance Quotes [].
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Mortgage Reduction Program

Mortgage Reduction Program
By Samia Jamal
Mortgage loans are one of the most essential liabilities in today's world. On one hand this is the only way a middle class family or the average consumer can afford to buy a house and on the other hand he/she has to pay a massive amount of money while paying off the mortgage.
Mortgage loan terms in general vary from 20 to 30 years. If you do your math properly then you would understand that while you are paying off your mortgage amount over the term of your loan, you are actually paying for nearly three houses; one for yourself and two for the bank. At the end of your term you have paid the principal amount and the interest amounting to double the principal. As an example, if you borrow $100,000.00 at 7% interest for a 30 year term, the monthly payment comes to $655.00/per month, which accumulates to $239,760.00 after 30 years. You end up paying $139,760.00 just as interest. The sad fact is, many people they keep going with what the bank gives them as rates or they go with the automatic renewals that the banks offer them, without shopping around for better rates or even trying to understand the different mortgage products out there.
There are multiple ways of reducing the mortgage loans, a few of which are briefed below.
  1. Refinancing mortgage - Though this is an old method but still proves useful when your mortgage interest is higher than the current rate of interest. You can refinance you mortgage loan and avail the benefits of lower interest rate. This reduces your monthly payments and hence you are able to make pre-payments more frequently.

  2. Eliminate unnecessary PMI or MIP insurance premiums - PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) and MIP (Mortgage Insurance Premiums) are both same and are applied to all those mortgage loans in which the borrower pays a small amount upfront as down-payment. These charges are levied monthly and carry throughout the loan term. People are not aware that these charges last till 78% of your principal is remaining. So post this period these charges can be posted towards the mortgage thereby reducing the term.

  3. Paying mortgage loan ahead of time - The monthly mortgage payments can be broken down into weekly or bi-weekly payments. Since the interest calculation is based on daily basis you gain on interest as well as you make an extra payment in a year. This is due to the fact that for a bi-weekly payment you earn 1-2 days every month and over the period of a year you make 2 extra payments.

  4. Mortgage line of credit - The latest trend that people follow is to use the line of credit as your daily account of usage. Due to daily interest calculations, the more you reduce your principal the more your gain. The way is to make monthly big payments to your mortgage which is your line of credit and draw money from it when required. This drastically reduces your term and you save huge on interest.
It is you who need to decide upon which plan you need to go for depending upon your lifestyle.
Samia Jamal is a specialist in cutting down people's mortgage debt. What sets us apart from other plans is that our plan reduces the years of amortization with absolutely no increase in your present debt payment dollars! Get out of your death pledge (in latin mort=death, gage=pledge). Please visit our website to find out you can pay off mortgage sooner or later. If you've asked yourself: how to payoff mortgage fast, then you've come to the right place. Fill out our online questionnaire for a free no obligation consultation about our mortgage reduction program.
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Career Options With Mortgage Broker Training

Career Options With Mortgage Broker Training
By Andy West
Taking any type of training or education is an investment both in time and money. It is therefore important to choose your training wisely to ensure that it will provide you with the credentials, education and knowledge needed to get started in the career of your dreams. For those interested in the housing and lending field finding a great career starts with taking mortgage broker training.
Mortgage broker training, first and foremost, provides you with the state specific training that you need to meet all licensing requirements within that state. It is essential to work with a training organization that is state specific as each state sets individual standards as to what is required for those new to the industry. The licensing board will also determine what is required for continuing education and how many hours of coursework are required per year to stay in good standing.
Once you have your mortgage broker training completed you will often be required to have some type of work experience before being fully licensed. This is a great opportunity to work with an established company and under a licensed mortgage broker or other professional in the industry. Not only will this provide you with practical experience but you may also find that you are particularly interested in one niche or area of specialization.
Traditionally a mortgage broker works with both the buyer and lenders to try to make the best possible match. It requires a complete understanding of mortgages, options and finances to ensure that both the lender and the borrower walk away with a loan that is practical, affordable and appropriate. Knowing the different mortgage options and having a true ability to communicate complicated information to consumers is essential as a mortgage broker. This is both an art and a science and may lead you to find specialized areas in working with different sectors of the community or in commercial or residential mortgages and loans.
Depending on the state in which you train and plan to work, you may also be eligible with mortgage broker training to become a loan broker or loan originator. A loan broker, also known as a financial broker, is able to make a wider range of loans for consumers using the same techniques as a mortgage broker. The loan broker obtains the relevant information from the potential borrower and then, knowing the loan products available, attempts to match a lender with the borrower. Most states require that additional training is completed but this can add to the range of services that you offer to clients and will allow you to work with more lending and financial institutes.
There may be other options that mortgage broker training provides based on your particular area of interest. Working with consumers to understand loan programs through education, community based nonprofits or through financial services are all examples of how the training can expand career options. Individuals with this type of training may also be able to move into banking or sales and marketing, particularly in the real estate industry. Any type of work with credit counseling or credit management is often a very good fit for a professional with both training and experience as a mortgage broker.
A professional that has completed mortgage broker training has a range of possible career paths to choose from. In this constantly evolving and highly interesting field there are always new products, services and options to research and learn about to help customers and to expand the services you provide to your clients.
Andy West found that mortgage broker training provides the opportunity to move into several different rewarding careers.
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How to Deal With a Mortgage Broker?

How to Deal With a Mortgage Broker?
By Maria Z
Every resident hopes to secure a house for himself and his family that he can benefit from in years to come. Most hopeful house-hunters among these would surely considering getting mortgage to better help finance their real-estate buy. However, while getting mortgage is quite beneficial for those not wanting to pay a heavy upfront, it involves extreme caution while dealing with such transactions.
Where to start looking?
Yes, you can find yourself a suitable mortgage broker who can guide you every step of the way to make way for a smooth dealing. Moreover, for your customized needs, you will find a great diverse choice of the mortgage brokers in the market ready to serve you. This part is tricky for someone new to the concept of mortgage, but you need to thoroughly research about the respective mortgage broker you intend to seek advice from. A reliable mortgage firm that boasts a large number of licensed professional dealing with residential or commercial mortgages is your top consideration.
Are independent professionals trustworthy?
However, you can also hire yourself independent professionals who can assist you with regards to securing an affordable mortgage; these professionals can suggest for you some economical methods of seeking capital for your home. Since most professionals have a large customer following, it is always useful to go through past customer testimonials; they give a fair evaluation into the broker you are hiring, and about the quality services expected out of him.
What is my next step?
Once you are satisfied with your mortgage broker's credentials, you need to see the level of assistance he is willing to offer; some brokers treat their customers as being a pro in financial jargons, while some will take them slowly through each process of the mortgage explaining everything in detail. The latter is whose advice you should seek for he clearly understands his job well enough to make the transactions easier for you.
What are the advantages of hiring a mortgage broker?
It is always a great advantage to you if you compare different mortgage brokers in your region. There are charlatans seeking solely their profit out of the deal, while some may truly help you in getting your loan sanctioned. Moreover, there are different packages offered to you to choose from: with different interest rates, broker's fee, monthly repayments etc. While you are right in assuming that the deal is more likely involve lots of paper work involved, you need to make sure that whatever you sign on that paper, you have a sound knowledge about it. And only a professional mortgage broker can help you in this regard.
For queries and considerations, the author can be contacted at She will respond as soon as possible.
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Mortgage Loans - Mortgage Brokers Help You Prequalify!

Mortgage Loans - Mortgage Brokers Help You Prequalify!
By Geoff McLean
First time home buyers might be surprised how fast a deal moves in a busy real estate market and mortgage loans can take a little time to organize. An experienced realtor will advise you to use a mortgage broker to prequalify for a mortgage loan so that you can move quickly when buying a house.
Even when the real estate market is experiencing a downturn, the most desirable and/or well priced properties, located in the right neighborhoods, sell quickly. If you aren't prequalified for a mortgage it could mean a delay of a day or two, which could result in someone else scooping the home that you wanted.
Why would you let that happen when it's relatively easy to prepare so that you can move quickly when the perfect property comes on the market? If you are prequalified for a mortgage loan you can rest assured that you will be ready to secure the home of your dreams, instead of agonizing as someone else who is better prepared beats you to it.
Prequalifying for a mortgage loan will also help you figure out how much house you can afford. It would be heartbreaking to fall in love with a home that is beyond your means!
A mortgage broker will help you prequalify and can shop your portfolio around to all the lending institutions and banks to get you the best terms on a mortgage loan. Brokers are familiar with a variety of financial institutions and know where to secure the right financing options for your particular situation.They will almost certainly negotiate a better deal for you than you could get on your own!
Even a minor difference of half a percentage point makes a major difference in how much you pay over the life of a loan. For example, the difference in the monthly payment on a $100,000 mortgage at 8 percent vs. 7.5 percent is about $35 per month. Over 30 years, that's $12,600.
People who are resisting hiring a mortgage broker should really sit down and do the math...that broker could easily save you many more times the cash that you invest in hiring them! That's why many experienced real estate investors always use a mortgage broker to get the best terms when they finance a purchase. They understand that hiring a professional for this job will pay off in the long run.
Mortgage brokers will work on your behalf and on your schedule (over weekends and evenings if necessary), and unlike bank staff, are not limited to any one financial institution. This is why you can rest assured that they will offer true unbiased advice with your best interests in mind. They will do all the legwork saving you time and money, after all this is how they make their living!
So make sure you're ready to act quickly when you find that perfect first home! Ask your realtor for a referral to an independent mortgage broker who can help you prequalify for a mortgage loan, with the terms that will work for you and your family.
Geoff McLean is a realtor in Victoria BC who approaches his real estate vocation with honesty, integrity and straightforwardness. Geoff is also the primary author of a blog about his home city. Living in Victoria is a valuable source of information about the Greater Victoria area for those who are interested in moving to this beautiful city.
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Mortgage Processing Company: Increases Productivity As Well As Earnings

Mortgage Processing Company: Increases Productivity As Well As Earnings
By Amitaabh Saboo
The whole mortgage processing process is able to be a rather formidable job and a lot of small & mid-sized mortgage lenders are ever more outsourcing the services to many an expert Mortgage Processing Company that dedicate themselves to the process. The benefits that the petty mortgage lenders get from doing so are ample. A few of the benefits are as below -
1. The foremost benefit of outsourcing to a Mortgage Company is that it provides the mortgage lenders with much convenience. This is incredibly active and there are continuous alterations in the policies & regulations. It occasionally becomes hard to keep side by side with the widespread alterations, and outsourcing of the mortgaging procedure, provides a little respite providing the mortgage lenders with the time to efficiently carry out the additional facets of the mortgaging business.
2. The Outsourcing of loan processing to a Mortgage Processing Company becomes extremely cost efficient, causing the falling of expenditures of carrying out business. This, effectively, provides the boosting of profits. The way that this functions is easy. At the time that such Companies are employed by mortgage lenders, their overheads get cut, because there is not any necessity for appointing additional staff for doing the mortgage processing. Which implies saving on the wages which are going to be needed for paying the staff. There is moreover saving of cash that otherwise would have been used up on staff training for producing size able output. In summary, outsourcing to a Mortgage Processing Company is able to cut down much expenditure that causes higher financial gains.
3. One more main benefit of outsourcing to a Mortgage Processing Company is that it causes a severe cut on cash expended on electronic equipment, rent, and power and so on even as the business continues to grow.
4. Outsourcing provides the mortgage lenders with added time for speeding up the client's application sanction process. This causes better client relationship and the client is contented with the timely service. This is actually able to be excellent for the company, because good service is usually referred to more people.
The amounts of a Mortgage Processing Company are increasing and are as a rule run by experts. All they would be requiring is the request form to start the processing procedure. Such companies are well thought-out and include a business tie-up with borrowers, lawyers, appraisers, lenders, insurance corporations and so on. This assists in streamlining the entire process and provides much convenience.
To work with a Mortgage Processing Company is incredibly straightforward and all that is required is that the loan submission form be surrendered to the company, for being processed. The company examines the borrower's history, the property sort as well as occupancy ahead of having the mortgage passed.
A mortgage lender would be capable of closing additional deals and making additional capital in the process, on relying on outsourcing of the mortgage processing.
In conclusion, it is first-class business intelligence to outsource the Mortgage process. The business would be benefiting from this business adjustment, because there would be a considerable cut in staffing expenditure and there would not be any need for hiring and coaching fresh processors. There would be considerable savings because there would not be any salaries to be disbursed and the output would also rise.
Mortgage Loan Processors helps mortgage brokers and bankers cut costs. There are many Commerical Mortgage Processing Services that cater to Mortgage Brokers and Lenders nationwide with a structured process to ensure success.
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Shopping for the Right Mortgage Company

Shopping for the Right Mortgage Company

By Mark Moss
The only available way to getting a home in this unstable economy is probably through a mortgage. If you can afford buying a property with your own cash, then you can consider yourself lucky. However, as the rest of us will probably go through mortgages to get their houses, it will be great if we all know the right procedure to finding a good mortgage company. Dealing with professional lenders will save you a lot of headache, especially if your income isn't that much. The last thing I need you to be aware of before we proceed on choosing the most suitable mortgage company for your situation is that your life will literally be ruined if you happen to choose a bad one. That being said, here are some tips to help you choose the right mortgage company:
1- Don't you assume that they're all the same:
Many people think that all lenders offer the same options, and that's what leads them to choosing whatever company they might stumble on. The fact is that each lender offers different options. Because we're not talking about small investments here, if you want to deal with a lender that offers options that you will be more comfortable with, then go and investigate as many of them as your time can fit. You would also want to gather as many information as you can in order for you to decide later which lender you're going to be dealing with according to those information you've collected.
2- It's all about numbers:
Once you collect as many data as you can on most of your local lenders, you now need to start analyzing it. The first thing to check for is how much is the down payment that each company requires. The next thing you should ask for is the interest rates. Because these rates vary depending on how much down payment you are willing to afford, you really need to make sure that your lender is very transparent about this subject. The last thing to check for is whether they offer flexible payment options or not. The most common of them are the 5, 10, 20 and 30 years payment plans, so you need to choose one that is suitable for your income.
3- It's better to leave it to a professional agent:
The best advice that I can give you is probably to get professional help. Many people prefer to do it themselves, but they always end up whining about what nightmare they got themselves into. An honest mortgage broker can help you shop for the best mortgage that is most suitable for your situation, so try to invest into hiring a good one.
Mark is a real estate investor who specializes in short sales. For more information, check out: Short sale definition AND Short sale tax implications
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